Lower Body
Warm Up
Start your workout with this quick warm up!
Start your workout with this quick warm up!
Exercise Tutorials
This is where you learn the correct form for each of the exercises within this session.
This is where you learn the correct form for each of the exercises within this session.

Side Lying Clam with 3s Eccentric
10 reps e/s - 2 sets - 60s rest

Copenhagen Side Plank with 3s Eccentric
5 reps e/s - 3 sets - 60s rest

Alternating Lateral Squat with Pause
12 reps - 3 sets - SS with next exercise

Both Feet Elevated Split Squat
8 reps e/s - 3 sets - 90s rest

Single Leg RDL (Right Side)
8 reps - 3 sets - 0s rest
This is a giant SS with the next 3 exercises. This means
do all 4 exercises, with 0s
rest after RDLs and 60s rest
after Box Squats, and that
will be 1 set completed.

Single Leg Box Squat (Left Side)
8 reps - 3 sets - 60s rest

Single Leg RDL (Left Side)
8 reps - 3 sets - 0s rest

Single Leg Box Squat (Right Side)
8 reps - 3 sets - 60s rest
Post Workout Stretch
Hopefully you have time to finish your workout with a post workout stretch!
Hopefully you have time to finish your workout with a post workout stretch!