Inversions Focus
Get yourself upside down with classes designed to help you build strength, flexibility, skills and confidence in your inversion practice. These classes are taught from a beginners perspective - i.e. you can't do the inversion YET, or you've found a little success and want to refine your ability!
10 minutes or less
30-45 minutes
45-60 minutes

Handstands: Learning to Fall - And Not Fall!

Strength for Arm Balances: Crow to Tripod

A Bunch of Block Stuff!

Learn to Press To Headstand

External Rotation: Hips + Shoulders

SYWH Class 1: Shoulder Flexion + Stability

SYWH Class 2: Hamstrings + Hip Flexors

SYWH Class 3: Exploring Stag

SYWH Class 4: Learning Balance

Rotational Core Strength: Tripod to Side Crow

A Different Approach To Pincha

Progress to Pincha - Pincha Masterclass

Strength in Flexibility

Flirting with Pincha

A Playful Practice

Learn to Handstand

Active Flexibility

Power Hour

Foundations of Handstand

Pincha Foundations

Exploring Strength & Length for Handstand

Prepare for Pincha

Thoracic Opening for Pincha

Straight Arm Strength

Time to Tuck

Puppy Love

Funk Up Your Crow

Strength for Inversions

Kicking Into Handstand

Headstands & Crows

Hips and Headstands

Super Strong Legs

Explore It All!