Arm Balance Focus
All of these classes help you build the necessary strength, mobility and skill of controlling and balancing your bodyweight on your hands.
30-45 minutes

Hips & Twists for 8 Angle

Flow to Crow

Flow Into Fallen Angel

Steady, Fiery Flow

Thoracic Flexibility

Awaken Your Hips & Spine

Find Your Inner Karate Kid

Balance & Bend: Full Body Flow

Rocket Yoga

Crow Flow: Strength & Balance

Yoga for Strong Arms
45-60 minutes

Strength for Arm Balances: Crow to Tripod

A Bunch of Block Stuff!

L-Sit: Forward folds + Core Strength

Peak to Peacock!

All The Pigeons

All Things Crow!

Spiral Spines and Side Crow

Thoracic Opening for Pincha

All Things Shoulders

Win At Arm Wrestling: Strong Arms Sequence

A Playful Practice

Hip Openers & EPK2

60 Minute Intermediate Mobility Flow

Funk It Up

Working Towards Crow

Exploring EPK2

Hello Hip Flexors!

Power Hour

Fallen Angel

Working Towards Shoulder Pressure Pose

Eight Angle & EPK2 Cocktail

Explore It All!

Funky Balances

Exploring the EPK Family

Super Shiva!

Movement Medley

Rotational Core Strength: Tripod to Side Crow

Flirting with Pincha

Hips + Hamstrings: Work Towards Firefly

Funk Up Your Crow

Lizard Hips

Not Your Usual Yoga: Power & Endurance Strength

So You Wanna Side Crow?

Hip Mobility Medley (inc. Flying Lizard)

Strength in Flexibility

Strength for Inversions

Better Balance

Active Flexibility

Open Hips for Grasshopper

Prepare for Pincha

Hip Hip Hooray!