Select a membership:
Upon subscription, you will receive a confirmation email for the activation of your membership, this is also how we keep in contact with you regarding your membership so please kindly double-check that your email address is correct to ensure you receive these important notices.
This membership gives you unlimited access to all the on-demand classes, videos and programmes within the Livinleggings Studio, including yoga programmes, home-workout programmes, mobility classes and education content around fitness, mobility and health. All content is available via the desktop platform as well as the app, so you can access the Studio anywhere, any time.
• You can cancel your membership very easily, any time via your user Dashboard.
• Upon cancellation, you will retain full access to the Studio until the end of the period you have paid for.
• Partially used memberships cannot be refunded.
Annual (Save 15%)
Upon subscription, you will receive a confirmation email for the activation of your membership and you will also receive an email to inform you of when your subscription is approaching renewal. Please kindly double-check that your email address is correct to ensure you receive these important notices.
This membership gives you unlimited access to all the on-demand classes, videos and programmes within the Livinleggings Studio, including yoga programmes, home-workout programmes, mobility classes and education content around fitness, mobility and health. All content is available via the desktop platform as well as the app, so you can access the Studio anywhere, any time.
• You can cancel your membership very easily, any time via your user Dashboard.
• Upon cancellation, you will retain full access to the Studio until the end of the period you have paid for.
• Partially used memberships cannot be refunded.